How Do Composite Fillings Work?

A composite dental filling blends in with your natural tooth; thereby, providing it great strength and restoration. It removes the damaged portion of your teeth and fills it with a composite resin filling material. Composite fillings also help restore your smile and improve your tooths’ imperfection.

When you get composite filling treatment, your tooth decay will be removed. The affected areas get filled with strong and durable material. This material bonds well with the tooth and restores it to function properly.

Composite Filling Works In A Systematic Way

Composite fillings work systematically to prevent the tooth from any further damage. At first, you get a filling procedure to drill out tooth decay. Then, it is removed from the tooth via proper cleaning. It helps prevent the decay from spreading into other nearby areas of the affected tooth. Moreover, it will keep away the bacteria from entering the tooth and helps to prevent any further decay.

Afterward, the dentist will fill your tooth with composite material. Then, the composite material will be bonded with the tooth’s surface. It is done using ultraviolet light, which strengthens the tooth’s structure. The tooth is then joined with solid material. Doing so will help restore the tooth’s function, and the patient can easily chew once the healing process is done.

Steps of Placing Dental Bonding:

Composite fillings are pleasing to consider whether you have a tooth cavity or decayed, cracked, and chipped teeth. There are several uses of these dental fillings, and you might need one. Visit your dentist to ask for help.

The following are the steps for placing dental bonding for composite fillings as per the science of dental bonding.

  1. Preparation and tooth trimming as per the individual needs.
  2. Acid etching the dentin and enamel.
  3. Application of the bonding agent.
  4. Placement of the dental composite.
  5. Curing the composite after restoration.
  6. Final polishing and shaping
  7. Aftercare and precautions.
How To Care For Composite Fillings?

When the composite fillings are done, it is important to care for them to maximize benefits. Here is a brief guideline concerning the post-filling procedure.

  • Visit Dentist for Regular Check Ups to avoid any usual happening.
  • Observe Oral Hygiene Practices, brush gently and use fluoride. Brush with fluoride toothpaste and drink fluoridated water by consulting your dentist. Consider choosing a mouthwash as well, if required.
  • Avoid Hard Eating, eat slowly and chew properly. Maintain a well-balanced diet.
  • Avoid Extremely Cold Or Hot Foods, especially if you suffer from tooth sensitivity.

Composite fillings have a reasonable success rate if they are adequately cared for. If you have a tooth cavity or want an aesthetically pleasing tooth, consider choosing composite fillings by asking the dentist. After thorough analysis, the dentist might recommend you if he finds you the suitable candidate for the procedure. Happy tooth restoration.

Talk with your Petaluma dentists today for more information. Your dentists in Petaluma, Amir Hosseini, DDS, Azadeh Hosseini, DDS, and Ghazal Hosseini, DDS at Petaluma Braces & Family Dentistry can tell you more.

*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition. 

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

If you want to know how to beautify your smile using teeth whitening, then you are at the right place. Teeth whitening uses chemicals to get good results. A wide variety of methods are available for teeth whitening. Here, we will tell you how the whitening process works and the options for teeth whitening.

How Teeth Whitening Works?

There are many options for teeth whitening, but all of them use the same basic formula. The main ingredient used in all of them is peroxide. Peroxides which include hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, have potent oxygen molecules. When these powerful molecules strike with the stain on the teeth surface, they break the chemical bonds. Thus, the stains are removed from the teeth’ surface. This bleaches the stains, and as a result, your beautiful smile comes back.

All the professional teeth whitening kits also use peroxide as their main component. Sometimes another ingredient, i.e., fluoride, is also used in them. Fluoride helps to give the teeth some strength during this whole process. The teeth do not destabilize in the whitening process due to fluoride.

Methods of Teeth Whitening

Some of the options for teeth whitening are:

  • Professional Teeth Whitening

It is considered the best method as it gives long-lasting results. It is an efficient process done in the dentist’s office within one hour. It is a little expensive than the other methods, but it is worth it if you want excellent and prolonged results.

  • Teeth Whitening Kits

Teeth whitening kits include teeth whitening gels, trays, and strips. These kits are readily available at the stores. They may whiten your teeth, but they are not as effective as dental treatment. They take a longer time as compared to the professional ones.

  • Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

Toothpaste contains agents that may help brighten the teeth but are not very useful for teeth whitening. They may have a particular chemical to whiten but not bleach your teeth as compared to other treatments.

  • Other Options

Other methods include bubble gums, mouthwash. These options also work on the formula of toothpaste. They are not much of use as they are new in the market. Research is needed to study more about these products.

DIY Whitening Kit vs Professional Whitening Products

Most of the whitening kits available in the market also use the same ingredient: hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. Although the active element is the same, they are not as effective compared to the professional treatment.

Some kits available online contain a larger number of peroxides that are harmful to your teeth. The large peroxides quantity ensures so much whitening that it causes damage. The results are your enamel is damaged.

So the professional teeth whitening is the best way to get the treatment that has better and long-lasting results.

Contact your dentists in Petaluma, Amir Hosseini, DDS, Azadeh Hosseini, DDS, and Ghazal Hosseini, DDS at Petaluma Braces & Family Dentistry for more information on teeth whitening treatments.


How To Make Teeth Whitening Treatment Last Longer

*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition

Advantages and Disadvantages of Invisalign

Invisalign is a type of clear tray braces. They are custom-made, utilizing molds taken from your mouth. Using hard plastic, the aligners can apply pressure to specific areas of your mouth to move your teeth into the proper position.

Visiting your dentist is the first step in the process of getting Invisalign. And while they’re doing it, they’ll take impressions of your mouth. For the next part, Invisalign creates a unique set of aligners. You and your dentist will have to work together to develop a strategy for reaching your goals.

Every one to two weeks, Invisalign refreshes its aligner trays. Each new tray will have been designed to shift and move your teeth. You will have to wear the Invisalign braces 20–22 hours a day for the best benefits. These are removable to be taken out for eating, brushing, flossing, or any other special occasion.

Invisalign aligners are braces, although they are made of plastic. As they actively change your mouth and jaw. Your teeth are held in place with retainers.

There Are Alternatives to Invisalign That Don’t Require Metal Braces.
  • Additional transparent aligner braces are available as well.
  • Assists with the positioning of teeth concerning the tongue.

Lingual braces, hidden behind the teeth, are an option if you’re self-conscious about your appearance. Metal or ceramic brackets are still used in lingual braces.

Before Obtaining Braces or Aligners, Ask These Questions:
  • If you’re not satisfied with the outcomes, will the company pay for different aligners?
  • Is your retainer going to be paid by the company?
  • Do you prefer one choice over the other?
  • Can you tell me how much more expensive treatment is?
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Invisalign

There are several variables to consider regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Invisalign. A few things to keep in mind.

In Favor of Invisalign
  • When you grin, it’s so subtly expressed that it almost fades into the scenery.
  • It’s simple to take it off when eating or cleaning your teeth.
  • Traditional braes require more time to complete than Invisalign clear aligners.
  • As a result, the number of dental appointment is reduced.
  • The use odf braces has numerous advantages, one of which is the reduction of patient discomfort.
Cons of Invisalign
  • Pricey
  • Requires considerable attention and effort if lost or broken.
  • Mouth and neck soreness are among the possible side effects.
Tips and Tricks for Using Invisalign Aligners

Long-term use of aligners will help you get the most out of your money. Be sure to clean and floss your teeth every day during your treatment. Retainers should be worn as instructed.

Contact your Petaluma dentist, Dr. Amir Hosseini, at Petaluma Braces & Family Dentistry, today for more information on teeth straightening technology that gets results.


Invisalign and its Benefits Compared to Braces

*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Veneers


Dental veneers made of porcelain can hide minor cosmetic flaws that show up when you smile or speak. Your dentist will be able to tell you if you are a good candidate for veneers during a dental consultation. To close minor gaps between your front teeth, your dentist may recommend tooth veneers.

  • Chips, Cracks, and Discoloration Can All Be Hidden With Dental Veneers.

Your dentist may recommend a dental crown to strengthen and restore the appearance of a tooth that is weak or damaged. Your dentist will be able to find the best solution for your smile in either case.

  • They Have a Natural Appearance and Feel.

Unless you tell them, they will have no idea you’ve had cosmetic dental work done. Porcelain veneers are custom-made to perfectly fit your mouth and feel completely natural.

  • Dental Veneers Require Only a Small Amount of Enamel Removal.

Once the enamel has worn away, it is no longer usable. Fortunately, veneers only require the removal of a thin layer. If the enamel is not removed before the veneer is bonded on, the tooth will appear large and awkward. Because veneers are noninvasive, anesthesia may not be required for any part of the procedure.

  • They Can Prevent Tooth Discoloration.

You can help your veneers last for years by maintaining good oral hygiene and being mindful of the foods you eat. You can expect your veneer teeth to last about ten years if you take good care of them.

  • Dental Veneers Can Help You Feel More At Ease With Your Smile.

The procedure for veneers necessitates two visits to our office. Your dentist will remove enough enamel from the fronts of your teeth during your first visit to make room for the veneers. The porcelain veneers will make your teeth appear large and bulky if the enamel is not removed. You’ll have a stunning new smile at the end of the procedure!

  • Low-Maintenance Dental Veneers.

Even though veneers are stain-resistant, you’ll still need to brush twice a day and floss once a day to keep your mouth healthy.


However, nothing in dentistry is perfect. Porcelain veneers have the following drawbacks:

  • Veneers made of porcelain are costly. Veneers, like most other products, come in a variety of quality levels. You might want to buy a subcompact car or a high-end luxury sedan in a car, for example.
  • Porcelain veneers are more invasive than other options when it comes to the enamel (for example, tooth bonding is less invasive.) Without a little tooth reduction, even at a minimal thickness of 0.3mm, the tooth may appear bulky. However, there are times when the tooth does not require reduction (i.e. drilling).
  • Porcelain is not as strong as enamel, and it is a myth that it will help people who have chipped or broken teeth from grinding (or chewing ice, etc). Enamel is stronger than porcelain, but porcelain is not. As a result, anything that can break or chip a natural tooth will also break or chip porcelain. We frequently require the presence of a nightguard to protect your investment.

Talk with your Petaluma dentists today for more information. Your dentists in Petaluma, Amir Hosseini, DDS, Azadeh Hosseini, DDS, and Ghazal Hosseini, DDS at Petaluma Braces & Family Dentistry can tell you more.

*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants have been popular for their effectiveness for many years now. Natural-looking dental implants are chosen over dental bridges because of their appearance and lack of drawbacks. To support the natural teeth, titanium posts are placed in the jawbone. One or more missing teeth can be replaced with a dental bridge, and it can also be used to stabilize shaky dentures.

Replacement of a Single Tooth

A dental implant has been a significant success when done to replace a single missing tooth. It resembles your actual teeth. With computer-aided design, CAD, and 3D manufacturing, the dental laboratory can produce the final product. It creates teeth that are incredibly lifelike in appearance.

Replacement of Multiple Teeth

Dental implants are used to support bridgework that replaces lost teeth. For example, two implants are required to keep a bridge that replaces three to four teeth. The implants replace the lost teeth naturally, with no negative impact on the neighboring healthy teeth. This procedure is very meticulous. Doctors use computer simulations, 3D imaging, and the surgical guide for implant location during the implant procedure.

It Involves Only a Few Steps.

The stages vary according to the type of dental implant you require or get from your surgeon.

  • To begin, local anesthetics are administered into the gums to numb them and prepare them for surgery.
  • Your dentist will implant a titanium post into your jawbone surgically. To do this, the surgeon makes a small incision in your gums to expose the bone into which the tooth will be put. It will eventually heal and merge with your original jawbone.
  • An Abutment, a remote connection, is then strung onto the implant’s bottom to attach it to the replacement teeth.
  • Connecting the Abutment to the replacement teeth is the final step. Because the procedure is carried out gradually and the root is thoroughly embedded and connected with the bone, they do not fracture under pressure or appear artificial in any manner. It will function and seem just like actual teeth.
Final Thoughts

A dental implant is your best option if you have missing, broken, or entirely decayed teeth that require replacement. Additionally, they are utilized by those who are unable to wear dentures. The most pleasing thing is that they bond with the jaw, eliminating the possibility of them falling out or cracking. In comparison to natural teeth, dental implants do not deteriorate due to the titanium. As a result, they are a safe alternative for tooth replacement. Let’s not delay any longer; see your dentist and confirm your appointment to flaunt that gorgeous smile and savor every flavor.

Contact your Petaluma dentists, Amir Hosseini, DDS, Azadeh Hosseini, DDS, and Ghazal Hosseini, DDS at Petaluma Braces & Family Dentistry today to learn more about dental implants. 


Advantages of Cosmetic Dentistry

*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. We highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

How Dental Implants Work

Dental implants can work wonders on your teeth. How so? If done properly. They will get you a pretty smile and healthy eating for a lifetime. Some patients who take medications like steroids should not get dental implantation because this might suppress their immune systems and will be deprived of proper and complete healing. People who have the habit of grinding their teeth while sleeping or grinding the food too much are also not suitable for the dental implant process. It will cause more pain and may lead to unsuccessful surgery. 

To clear all the doubts related to how dental implants work, here we have a little information which might help you if are into it! 

Steps for Dental implant 

The procedure of dental implantation requires a couple of steps which are performed in intervals to get it done properly. 

  • To make space for the new tooth, the already damaged or a decayed tooth needs to be removed by the dentist in case it is still residing there. 
  • The first step involves the cutting of the gums to expose your jawline bone.  
  • The dental implant which is made up of titanium is placed in the bone and left there to heal. The implant is osseointegrated and gets fused with the jaw bone to provide a strong foundation for the new tooth. 
  • A small abutment that works as a connector is placed on the dental implant. It connects the fake or replacement tooth with the dental implant. 
  • In the final step, a custom-made crown or replacement teeth are attached to the dental implant through the abutment. It works as a real and natural-looking tooth. 

Considerations for Dental Implantation 

how dental implants work

Food Intake – About 8 to 10 days following the dental implant procedure, you can resume regular eating habits. You can only consume soft foods till then. Some patients have to wait for more than five weeks before they can consume solid foods. If you eat anything within 24 hours after your dental surgery, you need to take extra care so that it does not harm your new teeth in any way. Otherwise, it can tilt the proper place and may loosen the attachment to the abutment. 

Cost – Various dentists charge different prices for dental implants, which in turn is greatly dependent on your country of residence. The average cost of removing and replacing a single tooth is from 3000 to 5000 dollars. The dental implant, abutment, and replacement tooth are all included in this price. While the graftings, X-ray, extraction of the tooth, and CT-scan have separate costs. 

Care – To avoid any damage or loss, the preoperative and postoperative instructions and measures should be cared for diligently. Preoperative procedures include having a proper X-Ray and CT-Scan to determine the exact location of the replacement tooth. After that, get the imaging scan done and compared to see if it is placed correctly or not. Choosing the proper type of anesthesia for a dental implant is also critical. Because the extraction and dental implant procedures may be quite painful, it is best to talk with your dentist about the sort of anesthesia you will get. 

Time – The process of surgery takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on which extraction you want and what is the condition of your existing tooth. Sometimes it takes 1 to 2 hours to remove the tooth and expose the jawbone for the dental implant. For the final implant of a replacement tooth, some dentists recommend the gap of two months while others may recommend more than three months to get the titanium post fused with the bone. 

If properly cared for, a dental implant can last a lifetime. Cleaning, flossing, and brushing are all part of the care. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis might also help to reduce future risks. However, if the crown or replacement tooth is broken or cracked, the life expectancy is decreased to 15 to 20 years. If you choose to receive the implant, schedule recurring sessions during your visit to prepare your skin for surgery and get all of your questions answered. To learn more about how dental implants work, contact your Petaluma dentist, Dr. Amir Hosseini, at Petaluma Braces and Family Dentistry today.

*There is no treatment guide on this website, and it should not be used as a substitute for professional dental advice from a dentist. It is highly recommended that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition. 

*Neither this nor any of the other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. 

How to Properly Brush and Floss

How to Properly Brush and Floss

How to properly brush and floss is one of the most important aspects of any home dental healthcare program. Taking good care of your teeth at any age is essential to long-term dental health and overall general wellness. Even though you are brushing your teeth on a daily basis, the question becomes whether or not you are doing it in the right way? Knowing how to brush and floss in the correct manner makes it more effective and keeps your teeth strong and healthy. Best of all, when you brush in the right way and floss correctly, you greatly reduce the chances of tooth decay and plaque buildup. This simply translates into better dental health. 

Brushing For At Least Two Minutes 

Here are a few tips on how to properly brush and floss. For example, always choose a toothpaste that has fluoride, so your teeth are better protected. Choose a soft or medium bristle brush so that the brushing you do is gentle to the teeth and gums. In terms of frequency, most dental care providers and professionals recommend brushing for at least two minutes each day. This simple step alone can make a substantial difference in your overall dental health and wellness. It also helps to improve dental hygiene and provides for better breath. 

The Short Strokes 

When brushing, hold the toothbrush at a 45° angle firmly near the gumline and use short gentle strokes. This should result in the toothbrush being moved back and forth consistently. Always make sure to get the teeth that are all the way in the back. The trick to getting the brushing process right is to stick with the short strokes. It is also important to brush the chewing surface of each tooth in a short back-and-forth motion. When brushing the front teeth, it is recommended to move the toothbrush up and down rather than sideways. 

Flossing Should Be Gentle and Delicate 
How to Properly Brush and Floss

As a final note, it is always a good idea to brush your tongue and then begin to floss. When flossing, choose a piece of floss that is about 12 inches or longer. Hold it tight between fingers on each hand and then use the floss to begin removing food and particles from between teeth. As a note of caution, avoid pushing the floss to tightly down into the gums as this could cause bleeding, injury and pain. As with brushing, flossing should be gentle and delicate so as not to damage the teeth or gums. Follow these simple strategies and enjoy overall better dental health. Contact your Petaluma dentist, Dr. Amir Hosseini, at Petaluma Braces and Family Dentistry, today for more information. 

Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Considered a lab-made restoration, porcelain inlays and onlays are a type of restoration that are used to repair a tooth when there is a cavity or some lost tooth structure. They are most commonly applied in instances where tooth loss within the tooth structure has been too great to simply require a standard filling. The process required to custom craft an inlay is similar in many ways to the making of a crown. Once the tooth has been prepared by the dental care provider, the inlay will be permanently cemented or bonded into the tooth structure. 

Alternative to Fillings 
Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Keep in mind that there are a variety of materials that can be used to create inlays. This includes everything from composite resin to porcelain as well as even the unique advantages of gold. Inlays that are made of composite or porcelain as well as onlays are considered a type of cosmetic dentistry that is an alternative to fillings. They are also incredibly strong when compared to composite fillings. Talking with your dental care provider is the best way to know for sure whether inlays or onlays are right for you. 

Proper Home Dental Care 

It is also important to note that this type of dental restoration can be easily damaged as is the case with other similar restorations. For example, those who grind their teeth, chew ice or bite down on other hard objects can easily damage inlays and onlays. Proper home dental care is also important. While these dental restorations will typically last decades, given enough time eating the wrong kinds of foods and drinking the wrong liquid while not maintaining a good home dental health oral hygiene program, will eventually stain or become discolored. Common sense is typically the best approach to maintaining all dental work whether it be a restoration or natural teeth. 

Consulting with Your Dentist 

As with everything else in dental care, the best place to start is to simply talk with your dental care provider to decide if porcelain inlays and onlays are right for you. The good news is that modern dentistry has advanced to such a degree that virtually any type of dental health related problem can be addressed today. Simply consulting with your dentist about your options is always the first place to begin. Whether choosing inlays or onlays, it is important to note that even serious dental health conditions can be resolved with the right type of treatment. Talk with your Petaluma dentist, Dr. Amir Hosseini, at Petaluma Braces and Family Dentistry, today for more information. 

Invisalign and its Benefits Compared to Braces

What is Surgical Dentistry?

Today there are more dental modalities than ever before, and all are intended to help patients of all ages enjoy a better quality of life as a result of improved dental care. Surgical dentistry is one of the most important aspects of dentistry for those who have had severe injury or had excessive dental disease. In short, an oral surgeon is able to perform certain types of surgeries they can greatly improve overall dental health and wellness. There are a number of different types of oral surgeries that are routinely used today. 

Repair the Teeth and Jaw After a Severe Injury 
surgical dentistry

For example, surgical procedures that are dental in nature may be used to remove a tumor or deal with an impacted wisdom tooth. Surgical dentistry is often frequently used to perform gum grafting, tooth implants, root canal and even repair the teeth and jaw after a severe injury. With so much to offer it is clear to see why oral surgery is so important in dentistry, today. Even those with overcrowded teeth may require that a tooth be removed. This is one more instance where an oral surgeon would be of great help. 

Prepare for The Surgical Procedure 

If you require oral surgery your dentist will likely give you some instructions with regard to how to prepare for the surgical procedure. You should set up your home properly to allow for a comfortable recovery. For example, you may wish to set up your bed so that you can sit upright at an incline. Follow the pre surgical and post surgical instructions of your oral surgeon to the last detail. This will ensure a speedy and healthy recovery. There is a phase where healing must occur and that is why the postsurgical instructions are particularly important. 

You May Be Required to Eat Soft Foods 

Equally important is to arrange transportation back to your home following surgery. Some anesthesia can linger and make it unfeasible to drive. Oral surgery recovery can be a good experience as long as the patient follows the surgeon’s recommendations. Recovery can take anywhere from a few days to a month or more. It simply depends on the level of surgical procedure that was performed. You may be required to eat soft foods and may also find it necessary to drink through a straw. Obviously, eating chewy foods or foods that are crunchy or hard is never recommended. Talk with your Petaluma dentist, Dr. Amir Hosseini, at Petaluma Braces and Family Dentistry today to learn more about surgical dentistry.

Advantages of Cosmetic Dentistry

Invisalign and its Benefits Compared to Braces

Invisalign is a modern dental technology that produces a lot of benefits in terms of straightening teeth as compared to traditional braces. Best of all, it is virtually invisible and hard to detect. This means that those involved with a teeth-straightening program can enjoy the benefits of straighter and better-looking teeth without the social stigma. Invisalign is a good choice for those wishing to maintain the highest levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. Looking good and feeling great while having your teeth straightened is possible thanks to this new technology. 

Visit the Dentist at Regular Intervals 
Invisalign and its Benefits Compared to Braces

Best of all, today Invisalign is surprisingly affordable and convenient. Talk with your dental care provider or orthodontist to find out more regarding this innovative and unique technology. The aligner trays are changed periodically through the treatment and will require that you visit the dentist at regular intervals. However, after a successful treatment the patient enjoys beautifully straight teeth and a more attractive smile. With so much to offer it is clear to see why more people than ever are turning to this advanced teeth-straightening technology as a way to improve outward visual appearance. 

Follow the Instructions of Your Orthodontist 

One important consideration with regard to this technology is that the aligner trays must be worn as instructed or the entire process simply will not work. In other words, follow the instructions of your orthodontist so that your teeth are straightened the way the program intends. One of the additional advantages of Invisalign is that the aligner trays can be removed for eating, sleeping and drinking. They can also be removed so that a regular oral hygiene program can be maintained at home. In other words, simply remove the aligner trays brush and floss and then replace the trays as necessary. 

Modern Metal Braces 

This simple, innovative and highly effective system for straightening teeth is very effective and has a proven track record. However, that said there are cases where an individual may not be a suitable candidate for this type program. When this is indeed the case, traditional metal braces with brackets and wires may be necessary. Even in this case, today’s modern metal braces come in different colors and different styles. Talk with your orthodontist to find out which system suits you or your children’s needs the best. Contact your Petaluma dentist, Dr. Amir Hosseini, at Petaluma Braces & Family Dentistry, today for more information on teeth straightening technology that gets results. 

Advantages of Cosmetic Dentistry